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COPD Support Group - Video Library

Our COPD Support Group video library features presentations from a variety of lung health experts, to help people manage and cope with their condition while avoiding exacerbations

Supporting each other
Supporting each other
Supporting each other

What is COPD?

Mental Health & Isolation

Pulmonary Rehab and COPD

Our first video from our COPD Virtual Support Group. Respiratory Therapist, Holly Kennedy takes an in-depth look at "What is COPD?"

A look into mental health and isolation when dealing with COPD

Pulmonary rehabilitation is a key component of treatment for COPD. Learn the ins and outs of pulmonary rehab

Supporting each other

Advance Care Planning

Advance care planning can be a difficult subject to talk about. Find out more about what advance care planning is, what things you can consider and how to talk about your wishes with your family and loved ones

Supporting each other

COPD Medications - proper use

Learn about COPD medications and how to ensure you are using them properly to ensure they are as effective as possible.

Supporting each other

Chair Yoga for people with COPD

Exercise is an important part of COPD treatment. Watch this chair yoga session specifically designed for people with respiratory issues.

Supporting each other

What, Why and When of Action Plans

An action plan is a written, planned instruction from your doctor on how to address a flare-up (exacerbation) of your COPD. Learn all about action plans

Supporting each other

The Pharmacist's Role in COPD Care

Pharmacist, Craig Meek, provides insight about the Pharmacist's role in COPD care.

Supporting each other

Heat, Humidity and COPD

Nicole MacGregor RT Clinical Lead at the Prince County Hospital (PEI), hosted a session on Heat, Humidity and COPD. Find out how you can better manage your COPD through the summer heat and humidity.

Supporting each other

LiveWell Program

Joy Chiekwe, Clinic Exercise Physiologist and Provincial Lead of the LiveWell program in Nova Scotia, explains the LiveWell program, which is an exercise program for adults managing chronic conditions or injuries.

Supporting each other

Online Pulmonary Rehab Option

Amanda Holyk, founder of iMaster Health, provides an overview of their online pulmonary rehab program and how it can help people with COPD and other respiratory issues.

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